Support IAO131’s writings?

93 reader!

I have been writing Thelemic books, essays, and blogs for over 10 years now…. Many of you may be familiar with my writings on  or various books like HRILIU, Fresh Fever From the Skies, and Naturalistic Occultism 

The response over the past years has been overwhelmingly encouraging and positive. If it weren’t for you, the many fans who have taken the time to read (and some bold enough to even contact me directly! – there would be no reason for my writing.

Writing takes a lot of time and energy, of course. Getting a little bit from these writings online, even a small amount, would in fact make a real difference for me. It would allow a little extra bandwidth for even more writings. I plan to have many subjects tackled in upcoming posts on various websites, and — if you pledge a bit — you can even suggest topics!

If you have the ability, and wish to see more of my writings (and to help me out ) please consider pledging. Thank you!

IAO131 on Patreon

If you enjoy these writings, please consider pledging $1+ on my Patreon


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